Chapter 3940 The Descent Fetish:>>Ep67
- There was no better way to wake up, Amanda thought as she put the pipe and now spent bowl back on the bedside table. A shower did sound nice, she decided, heading toward the closed bathroom door.
- Stepping back into the house was strange for Cameron, perhaps even stranger the second time when he knew that despite entering his childhood home, he was not going to find anything resembling his childhood residing there. But it also gave him some measure of calm, or perhaps that was the beer--he couldn't be sure. Either way, he was done trying to make sense of it tonight. Instead, he led his friend into the kitchen and the always-stocked liquor cabinet.
- Despite or perhaps as a result of never being heavy drinkers Cameron's parents had always had a lot of high-end spirits on hand. Any time a dinner party or get together occurred an expensive bottle of alcohol was purchased or dropped off and usually remained mostly untouched in the cabinet until the next time. This meant that it had always been relatively easy to sneak a few swigs even in his younger years. This time, however, Cameron was not going to be sneaking anything.